Key-Value Stores
Key-value stores are fast, scalable NoSQL databases that store data as key-value pairs, making them ideal for caching, session management, and high-performance applications.
Oktan: The Car Expense Tracker I Built 15 Years Ago
A look back at Oktan, a car expense tracker I built 15 years ago—why I created it, the challenges I faced, and key lessons learned.
How to Count and Track Checkboxes in Obsidian with Dataview
Learn how to automate task tracking in Obsidian using the Dataview plugin. This guide walks you through setting up a dynamic checklist counter to display completed and total tasks, helping you stay organized and track progress effortlessly.
Determining the Date of Monday in the First Week of the Year
Learn how to determine the first Monday of the ISO week in any year using simple calculations and built-in methods in Python, Java, C#, PHP, and JavaScript.
Extend Hugo/Congo Theme: Adding Links to Unsupported Platforms
Learn how to easily add custom profile links and icons to the Congo theme in Hugo, even for unsupported platforms like Goodreads.